About Me
I’m a lover of Rumi and improv and arugula and laughter and bicycling and drawing with fountain pens.
I also love helping people discover (and express) their innate creativity and authentic wisdom. FIND OUT MORE
The Write Coach
Absolutely everybody’s got a story to tell. No exceptions.
Whether it’s a business book, memoir, or the Great American novel, we’ll have a blast getting it out of your head and onto paper. FIND OUT MORE
Need some TLC?
Got questions about life, death, career, money, or love? Try me.
I’m a translator for a council of Wise Guys (and Gals) who might surprise you with their answers. FIND OUT MORE

“Marcia is a dynamo of talent and energy. Her work is unerringly truthful and imaginative. She is flexible, open and, in addition, is a delight to be with. She would be a great asset to any group that was wise enough to want to use her.”